Thursday, December 7, 2006

*media with thom*

thom, you wanted feedback so here it is!!:
i really enjoyed this class and i would have to say that i learned so much. I wish we would have spent less time on some things and spent more time exploring other things. (that sounds really broad!!!) I really wished we would have gotten to post our own wikipedia definition and spent less time on css. I understand why we focused on css styles, but i think we probably could have barely brushed that and jumped right into dreamweaver and still would have gotten the jist. I think that if we would have started right away developing our campaigns, we would have been able to progress farther. Next time, maybe we could start each part of the campaign and learn how to use the technology as we went along.

I really enjoyed blogging and i am glad i have learned that skill because i know that will come in handy. I really like how you let us blog about whatever floated our boat.

All in all, I feel I really learned alot about the media and all the ways it is changing through this course. I think it also disciplined me to do things on my own which will prepare me for other classes throughout my college career.


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