Tuesday, December 12, 2006

CM for SC

I'm going to miss everyone! Sorry to be emotional here, but I learned to much from you guys- we are all so different and working in this environment where we are forced to use eachother to create something has made me realize how great it is to work will other people. During Dormland Security's first group meeting I remember not being able to concentrate because I kept thinking about how different each of us was and how weird it was that this class brought us together to work on a project. But by the close of this semester, I felt like I've gotten to know almost everyone- from my original confusion friend Kate to STL Sharahyah- I love hearing what each of you have to say. I think the enviornment was the best thing about the course because I got to learn what it's like to HAVE to work with people to get something finished, even if it seems confusing or impossible. It was cool to see how easy it was so begin a campaign with a few talented people. I also enjoyed the books we read on the side. It was nice to choose something to write about that interests me because it is easier to learn when you love what you are learning.

Things that could be changed... I don't want to be repetitive so I'd say obviously a little more organization. It would be okay to simply touch on some subjects as long as we focused on the more relavent points concerning the topic. Sometimes it seemed like topics did not exactly tie in together, but on the other hand some of the best ideas came from random thoughts and subjects.

I was in the Dormland Security group. I participated in all of our meetings, and was "on screen talent" for Hoosier News. (Nope, I've never taken acting.) I also held up cue cards with Caleb, which was more difficult than it seems! Overall, I've had a lot of fun with the campaign and I'm so glad that I got to meet all of you. Thom is definatelty one of those professors that you remember throughout your life. I'LL MISS YOU GUYS!

Seriously, we should have Citizen Media reunions.

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